21 MARCH 2024
Bruges 2030 launched an open call looking for projects by new artists or new collaborations with established artists and organisations on 'the art of Conversation'.
The open call has since ended, the artists and organisations have come to pitch their ideas and the independent jury, consisting of Sofie Vaneeckhoutte, teacher and co-founder of Klein Verhaal during Brugge 2002; Silke Heusequin, communications manager at MA Festival and project coordinator at De Letterie; Viktor Vandenabeele, coordinator of Jeugdhuis Comma and creatively active as Viktoir Viktoir; Inès Nzeyimana, lawyer and diversity and inclusion expert, and cultural volunteer Océane Bollé, finally chose seven projects that will be allowed to realise their artistic dreams under the wings of Bruges 2030.
Bert Larnout upgrades the tin phone of our (parents') youth.
De Republiek, Relaas and FMDO join forces for a storytelling festival.
De Tank organises a Penalty Protest and aims to spark a conversation about the abolition of the KVR (Kleine Vergoedingsregeling - small compensation scheme) with a performative football match.
Roots Explosion aims to transform Bruges into a vibrant centre for reggae and intercultural dialogue through workshops focusing on local talent and a rub-a-dub night supported by a renowned sound system from the UK.
Artist Rodrigo Fraga aims to give Bruges back to the people of Bruges by replacing advertising messages on billboards around the city with work by local artists.
Fika Huis will organise creative collaborations between artists and people in recovery.
Artist Frow Steeman will engage with vulnerable people and assist them in a creation.
All projects will take place from now until December 2024 and will have a starting point before and during the summer.